Wednesday, June 16, 2010

been a while

So I've been trying to the life thing, apparently I'm still not that good at it. I did get my yellow belt in Krav Maga. Least I did something right. I don't know just feeling a little down I guess. I am tired of my heart having a revolving door. A guy enters it and after seeing what's there and quickly leaving, not even friends. One of these days I will learn to stop being so trusting and open. I should probably just go watch He's Just Not That Into You, and take notes.

On a positive note I have lost weight, feel better health wise, have great real friends, and yeah I running out of positive things ...


lori said...

it has been a while and you are looking great. as for the guys? somewhere, someone waits for you. you'll find him eventually. keep up the good work and think positive always. no pity parties.

Emmersglue said...

Thanks :)

Yes I need stop the pity party of one. It's just a bad week. Next week will be better :)